Monday, November 7, 2011

Nancy's French Braid

Nancy finished this quilt top months ago and it has been waiting in my queue patiently to be quilted. I was waiting patiently for it to speak to me about how it wanted to be quilted.

Somewhere in the flux and flurry of Quilt Market suddenly I heard it make up its mind and speak to me. (Perhaps it took a few months to learn English?? haha since it's a FRENCH Braid-- pathetic I know....)

Textures! It wanted lots of texture. So I treated each band of the french braid uniquely.  It is a lot of fun to try different things on quilts. A little free- motion, a little ruler work etc...
Here are a few more pics:

 The diamonds (above) have a spiraling feather in them and the set in triangles (below) at the top and bottom of each braid are done with curved cross hatching.
I hope Nancy loves it! It was a lot of fun to quilt!


  1. Nancy has made a lovely quilt. Colours I would not have had the guts to do. The quilting is fantastic. Wish you girls were closer so you could quilt mine.

  2. Fantastic quilting! I love all the creative movements.


My very best friend said: